
Friday, October 21, 2011

Montpellier tient la cadence

Montpellier tient la cadence Une semaine après avoir assuré le spectacle face à Dijon (5-3), Montpellier a su faire preuve de réalisme, samedi lors de la 11e journée de Ligue 1, pour s'imposer sur la pelouse de Caen (3-1), grâce à des buts de Yanga-Mbiwa (14e), Utaka (19e) et ... Montpellier tient la cadence

UTA dă o mînă de ajutor marii rivale: UTA-Gloria Bistriţa 2-0

UTA dă o mînă de ajutor marii rivale: UTA-Gloria Bistriţa 2-0 Cel mai important meci al etapei se dispută la Arad, acolo unde UTA primeşte vizita liderului Gloria Bistriţa. În cazul unei victorii, bistriţenii se pot distanţa la 3 puncte de Timişoara, dar Poli speră la un mic ajutor de la eterna rivală. ... UTA dă o mînă de ajutor marii rivale: UTA-Gloria Bistriţa 2-0

Jamaran destroyer saves Iran oil tanker

Jamaran destroyer saves Iran oil tanker Iran's naval forces, on board the domestically-built Jamaran destroyer, have rescued an Iranian oil tanker from a pirate attack near the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. According to Iranian Navy Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi, ... Jamaran destroyer saves Iran oil tanker

India-Oman joint air exercise ends

India-Oman joint air exercise ends The Indian Air Force completed its second joint exercise with its counterparts from Oman whose northern tip is located at the Straits of Hormuz, entrance to the crucial Gulf and 35 km opposite Iran. The previous exercise was held in 2009, ... India-Oman joint air exercise ends

Estudantes em SP se dizem preocupados com extensão do Enem

Estudantes em SP se dizem preocupados com extensão do Enem Centenas de estudantes se reuniam desde as 10h deste sábado (22) em frente ao portão de uma universidade na Barra Funda, Zona Oeste de São Paulo, para realizar as primeiras provas do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), que acontecem neste fim de ... Estudantes em SP se dizem preocupados com extensão do Enem

走基层 听民声:“三铁”战士赵占中

走基层 听民声: 新华网新疆昌吉10月22日电(记者贾启龙)乌拉斯台哨所东乡族士官赵占中有个"三铁"的雅号:"铁骨头""铁脚板"和"铁公鸡"。 当来到赵占中跟前时,记者很难想像这个只有1.65米的小个子在兰州军区"铁人"比武赛场上,能将平 ... 走基层 听民声:"三铁"战士赵占中


邬书林:过去5年中国图书总印数世界第一 新闻出版总署副署长邬书林10月22日在南宁称,过去5年中国图书出版品种和总印数居世界第一位,去年我国新闻出版业总产出达到1.3万亿元人民币。 邬书林认为,出版业是文化建设的重要内容,也是21世纪的朝阳产业。中国政 ... 邬书林:过去5年中国图书总印数世界第一

BC Liberals scramble to mend wounded aid agency

BC Liberals scramble to mend wounded aid agency VICTORIA - The self-described family-friendly BC Liberal government is facing mounting political and social challenges to offer better care to vulnerable people and their families. Ministers have been dumped, bureaucrats fired and reviews announced, ... BC Liberals scramble to mend wounded aid agency


神田うのさんが女児出産 タレントの神田うのさん(36)が東京都内の病院で女児を出産したと、所属事務所が22日、発表した。 事務所によると、母子ともに健康という。神田さんは「応援していただいた皆さまのおかげで、無事出産できました。ありがとうございました」とコメントした。 神田うのさんが女児出産

Bu Yıl, Kadınlar Daha Çok İş Buldu 22 Ekim 2011 Cumartesi 10:27

Bu Yıl, Kadınlar Daha Çok İş Buldu 22 Ekim 2011 Cumartesi 10:27 ANKARA Ekonomik krizin etkilerinin azalmasıyla, İŞKUR'a kayıtlı işsiz sayısında gerileme yaşanırken, yılın ilk 7 ayında işe yerleştirilen kadın sayısı geçen yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 85,8 arttı. AA muhabirinin, İŞKUR istatistiklerinden derlediği ... Bu Yıl, Kadınlar Daha Çok İş Buldu 22 Ekim 2011 Cumartesi 10:27

易建联篮球基金会成立 阿联透露将赴美特训两周

易建联篮球基金会成立 阿联透露将赴美特训两周 昨天下午,"中国宋庆龄基金会易建联篮球发展基金——青少年篮球发展基金设立仪式"在人民大会堂隆重举行。易建联、朱芳雨、王仕鹏以及篮管中心副主任李金生等领导受邀出席了本次活动。在仪式上,阿联透露自己将马上赴美 ... 易建联篮球基金会成立 阿联透露将赴美特训两周

米寿の父 山梨県南部町・志村初枝(主婦・58歳)

米寿の父 山梨県南部町・志村初枝(主婦・58歳) この秋、父は山梨県南部町から米寿のお祝いをもらいました。1歳下の母との2人暮らしは25年ほどになります。 父が畑で無農薬野菜を作り、母が料理して、多い分は母があちこちに配っています。 また、父は青い乗用車を運転して買い物にも行きます。 ... 米寿の父 山梨県南部町・志村初枝(主婦・58歳)

Man's body found following Edmonton house fire

Man's body found following Edmonton house fire A fire in a St. Albert, Alta., home has resulted in an investigation as fire officials discovered the body of a man. The age and and name of the deceased were not immediately released. EDMONTON — One man is dead after a fire tore through a home in St. ... Man's body found following Edmonton house fire

Timnas U-23 Bantai Mitra Kukar

Timnas U-23 Bantai Mitra Kukar JAKARTA, FAJAR -- Timnas U-23 berhasil mengalahkan Mitra Kukar 5-1 dalam uji coba di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat, 21 Oktober. Dalam uji coba ini, Pelatih Rahmad Darmawan diperkuat dua pemain baru, ... Timnas U-23 Bantai Mitra Kukar


5年投资1470亿:我区公路建设实现质的飞跃 记者从自治区交通厅了解到,十一五期间,我区完成公路建设投资1470亿元,是十五的1.88倍,是自治区成立到十五末的1.51倍,是规划目标的1.23倍。今年是十二五的开局之年,1~7月份,全区各类公路建设项目顺利推进,共完成投 ... 5年投资1470亿:我区公路建设实现质的飞跃

丽水揪出大毒贩 毒贩说的伟哥原来就“躲”在牢里

丽水揪出大毒贩 毒贩说的伟哥原来就 东方网10月22日消息:在审查贩毒案时,为什么很多人口中都会提到一个上家叫"伟哥"?去年5月以来,"伟哥"成了丽水莲都区检察院的检察官们脑海中挥之不去的名字。 一定要找到这个"伟哥",把案子查个水落石出。但检察官在 ... 丽水揪出大毒贩 毒贩说的伟哥原来就"躲"在牢里

欧盟领导人峰会召开在即 道指周五大涨超2%

欧盟领导人峰会召开在即 道指周五大涨超2% 本周日,欧盟领导人峰会将召开,市场对欧盟领袖弥合欧债危机解决方式上存在的分歧持乐观态度,麦当劳和通用电气的财报也提振了市场。美股周五走高,道指大涨超2%。 截至美东时间下午4:00,道琼斯工业平均指数上涨267 ... 欧盟领导人峰会召开在即 道指周五大涨超2%

Trail camera captures cougar in central Wisconsin

Trail camera captures cougar in central Wisconsin AP The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources says a photo of a cougar taken in Juneau County is legitimate. The agency says two DNR wildlife biologists verified the photo, taken by a trail camera Sunday night. The DNR says the photo shows a young ... Trail camera captures cougar in central Wisconsin


谁打了致命一枪? 按照利比亚"全国过渡委员会"士兵的叙述,当地时间20日清晨,卡扎菲在数十名贴身武装护卫护送下,突破苏尔特周围封锁,向西奔走,但未能走远。 北大西洋公约组织利比亚军事行动发言人罗兰·拉瓦说,北约战机当地时间20日 ... 谁打了致命一枪?

Plea to book Mirza for blasphemy: verdict today

Plea to book Mirza for blasphemy: verdict today The order on the petition of a MQM minister seeking registration of an FIR against former provincial home minister Zulfiqar Mirza on blasphemy charges has been reserved till Saturday (today). In charge District and Sessions Judge (South) Abdul Razzak ... Plea to book Mirza for blasphemy: verdict today

Winds, nerves calm for Coles to grab share of the lead

Winds, nerves calm for Coles to grab share of the lead PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. -- When Gavin Coles made a 10-foot putt to get up and down on the first hole, he had a pretty good idea that it was going to be a good day. By the time he reached No. ... Winds, nerves calm for Coles to grab share of the lead

Material de hospital do PR vendido na Bahia pode ser legal, diz Sesa

Material de hospital do PR vendido na Bahia pode ser legal, diz Sesa O material de um hospital do Paraná que estava sendo comercializado em Ilhéus, na Bahia, pode ser legal, segundo a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Paraná (Sesa). A assessoria informou que "a Vigilância Sanitária vai averiguar, nos próximos dias, ... Material de hospital do PR vendido na Bahia pode ser legal, diz Sesa

«بيتك» يشارك في المؤتمر الفقهي الرابع للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية

«بيتك» يشارك في المؤتمر الفقهي الرابع للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية أعلن بيت التمويل الكويتي (بيتك) عن مشاركته في المؤتمر الفقهي الرابع للمؤسسات المالية الاسلامية،الذي تستضيفه الكويت، وتنظمه شركة شورى للاستشارات الشرعية في الفترة بين 21 و22 ديسمبر المقبل، وسط اهتمام ومشاركة مجموعة من العلماء والفقهاء على مستوى الصناعة ... «بيتك» يشارك في المؤتمر الفقهي الرابع للمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية

Grecia acoge con satisfacción la próxima

Grecia acoge con satisfacción la próxima Atenas, 21 oct (EFE).- El ministro de Finanzas de Grecia, Evangelos Venizelos, calificó como un "paso positivo" hacia la solución de la crisis de la deuda griega la aprobación hoy por parte del Eurogrupo de la entrega de los 8.000 millones de Euros del ... Grecia acoge con satisfacción la próxima

Coppa America, Luna Rossa riparte

Coppa America, Luna Rossa riparte (ANSA) - PALERMO, 21 OTT - Parte da Palermo la sfida di Luna Rossa alla 34/a Coppa America di vela. Lo scafo di Patrizio Bertelli sara' l'unico italiano. Le regate sono in programma nella baia di San Francisco nel 2013, ovvero nello specchio d'acqua ... Coppa America, Luna Rossa riparte

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